About us

KnowShape was founded in 2014 as a research spin-off from Ca' Foscari University of Venice, integrating the results of two research projects on risk measurement and forward looking information started in 2002

Mission: to develop solutions for constantly improving the capability of companies (banks, insurance companies, corporates, SMEs) to assess and manage uncertainty about the achievement of their economic-financial and ESG sustainability targets

Distinctive features: KnowShape solutions allow the production of forward looking risk indicators (for every variable of interest for banks, insurance companies, corporates and SMEs) through a proprietary methodology for collecting and processing the knowledge of experts of the company and/or independent advisors

Business Model: Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • modular products used directly by individual corporates, banks, insurance companies, advisors or outsourcers
  • continuous support service to users for the configuration, customization and usage of the applications

Team: KnowShape team has many years of experience in the development and application of risk modeling